PATH Intl. Free Education

PATH Intl. is excited to offer additional free members-only education provided by the Region Leadership Teams. The education listed below expands on the free member education offered in the PATH Intl. store.

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Recorded Presentations


Biomechanics for Aging Gracefully

In this webinar, Elizabeth (Liz) Micheel will explain how she evaluates natural asymmetry in the horse and uses in-hand techniques to correct and balance the horse. Special emphasis will be given to how these techniques can be incorporated into lessons and exercise within a therapeutic program and how these low intensity exercises can benefit horses well into their senior years.

Available CEU(s): 1 CR-All, OR 1 CE, OR any combination of the above, not to exceed 1 CEU total


Lunch & Learn: Addressing Emotional Distress in Adaptive Riding Lessons 

Many factors influence providing safe, fun and successful adaptive riding services. However, this presentation will address a vital aspect to the success of services the participants receive. Our participants can arrive at programs in various emotional states. Their emotional well-being can contribute to or inhibit our participants’ success in achieving their adaptive riding goals. As professionals providing services, it is essential to recognize when emotional distress influences our client's ability to succeed. At the end of this presentation, attendees will be able to, 1, Identify two to three signs of emotional dysregulation within various participants; 2, Use two to three skills to help participants emotionally regulate in adaptive riding settings; 3, Identify safety concerns of emotionally dysregulated participants in adaptive riding settings; and 4, State boundaries of competency in addressing emotional 

Available CEU(s): 1 CE


Building an EAS Research Toolbox 

In this presentation, Fran Jurga will focus on how to find peer-reviewed research online and what to do with it after you find it. She will start with data on the recent surge in the sheer volume of EAS studies, which now includes much more about both the horses involved in EAS and the roles of professionals in the field. Moving on, she will demonstrate how anyone can set up a useful research reading library online that stores your articles for future reference, whether you store them online or download them to your computer. Google Scholar is just one example of a free management tool that will store and organize your links to EAS research articles online. She’ll also show some of the journal websites and university repositories.

Available CEU(s): 1.25 CR-All OR 1.25 CE


How to be Creative in Securing Teaching Hours

Sharing strategies to complete the required CTRI group lessons; power point presentation provided with Q&A and discussions.

Available CEU(s): 1 CE 


Lunch and Learn: Why Care About Equine Cognition 

A discussion-based presentation and conversation about horsemanship traditions. More specifically, this conversation will offer a perspective on the impacts of equine cognitive science that can be applied to all schools of thought. The presenter's story will be used to highlight a journey of understanding the horse's mind and experiencing a shift in personal thought patterns as a horse handler.

Available CEU(s): 1.5 CEs


Staying in Your Lane

Virtual education opportunity: Staying in Your Lane (1 CR ESMHL) Presented by Narissa Jenkins & Connie Baldwin MS, LMHC-S

Available CEU(s): 1CR ESMHL


Addressing Behaviors - Ask the Expert 

Sakina Marie Bromfield, M.S., BCBA, discusses common behaviors seen in participants. Sakina will present three common scenarios with various solutions.  This webinar can be counted for

Available CEU(s): 1 CR (all certifications), 1 CE, or a combination not to exceed 1 total reported CEU. 


Understanding and Promoting Rider Confidence 

This workshop will look at common sources of rider anxiety and demonstrate practical ways coaches can support their riders through language and behavior to overcome fear and create stronger self-belief. 

Available CEU(s): CR Riding,1 DE, or a combination of the two categories above, not to exceed 1 total CEU.


Behavior Intervention and De-Escalation Skills

This workshop will look at common sources of rider anxiety and demonstrate practical ways coaches can support their riders through language and behavior to overcome fear and create stronger self-belief. 

Available CEU(s): This education event can be counted for 1 CR Riding, 1 DE, or a combination of the two categories above, not to exceed 1 total CEU.


Mental Health Services in the Equine Environment 

Q&A with two mental health professionals who provide mental health services in the equine environment.

Available CEU: 1 CE